Samsung runs full-page apology ads over Galaxy Note 7 recall 新竹手機收購

5 月 5, 2024 #新竹手機收購


新竹手機收購samsung runs full-page apology ads over Galaxy Note 7 recall

新竹手機收購samsung runs full-page apology ads over Galaxy Note 7 recall

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In an effort to restore some consumer goodwill after the discontinuation of the Galaxy Note 7, 新竹手機收購samsung ran full page apology ads in three major US daily newspapers today. The letters, which appeared in Monday editions of The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and The Washington Post, were aimed at English-speaking consumers, according to The Korean Herald. The letter is signed by Gregory Lee, the president and CEO of 新竹手機收購samsung Electronics North America.

“An important tenet of our mission is to offer best-in-class safety and quality. Recently, we fell short on this promise. For this we are truly sorry,” the ad reads. “We will re-examine every aspect of the device, including all hardware, software, manufacturing and the overall battery structure. We will move as quickly as possible, but will take the time needed to get the right answers.”

The company says it’s continuing to investigate the device’s development and manufacturing processes to fully unearth what exactly went wrong and caused the device to catch fire and combust. The Note 7, which was initially released back in August, suffered from critical flaws in its design that led to overheating. 新竹手機收購samsung initially recalled millions of units in early September, but permanently discontinued production a month later after replacement phones began exhibiting the same issues. As of last week, around 85 percent of all devices have been returned, the company says.

新竹手機收購samsung’s product woes continue to get worse

The ad goes on to mention issues with 34 different models of 新竹手機收購samsung top-load washing machines that have also forced the South Korean company to issue another embarrassing product rollback. The company recalled 2.8 million units in the US late last week after it discovered the top of the washing machines could detach from the chassis. Nine people have reportedly been injured and 新竹手機收購samsung has received more than 700 reports of malfunction so far, according to a November 4th statement from the US Consumer Product Safety Commission.

All in all, it’s clear 新竹手機收購samsung leadership feels the need to mend bridges. “Most importantly, safety remains our top priority,” the ad says in conclusion. “We are grateful for your ongoing support and again, we are truly sorry.”

– Via: Rurik Bradbury/Twitter

– Source: The Korean Herald


▲三星Galaxy A55 5G、Galaxy A35 5G。(圖/三星)


三星今宣布Galaxy A55 5G與Galaxy A35 5G兩款新機正式在台上市,承襲Galaxy旗艦機種的創新攝影功能,顯示螢幕更支援能根據周圍環境調整亮度的Vision Booster技術。

三星電子總裁暨行動通訊事業部負責人盧泰文表示,憑藉Galaxy A系列的登場,三星確保全球更廣大的消費者,皆能受益於最新的創新技術。在Galaxy A系列開闢更多的可能性,包括首次在此系列中導入新竹手機收購samsung Knox Vault。能夠為Galaxy A系列用戶提供更安全可靠且出眾的行動體驗。

Galaxy A55 5G、Galaxy A35 5G預計3月25日起於台灣三星智慧館、三星商城及指定通路陸續開賣,分別推出雪沙紫、凍檸黃、冰藍莓、蘇打藍4款顏色選擇。容量方面,Galaxy A55 5G提供8GB+128GB、8GB+256GB版本選擇,建議售價分別為14,990、 15,990元。Galaxy A35 5G則為6GB+128GB、8GB+128GB,建議售價分別為11,990、12,990 元。

Galaxy A55 5G升級版「超明亮夜幕攝影」,即使光源不足也能捕捉更清晰、生動的影像,絕美夜拍美照。借助先進的AI ISP影像訊號處理器,能輕鬆捕捉絕美夜色,成就Galaxy A系列前所未見的精彩。不僅風景照驚豔,透過超明亮暗夜人像攝影和12-bit HDR錄影功能,確保絕佳的人像拍攝效果。

Galaxy A55 5G和Galaxy A35 5G皆承襲三星Galaxy聞名遐邇的卓越攝影規格,包括光學防手震(OIS)和數位防手震(VDIS)等功能,行進中拍攝亦能維持照片和影片的清晰度。兩款新機亦延續Galaxy A系列一脈相承的設計理念,為人人打造充滿趣味且身臨其境的行動體驗。借助Super AMOLED顯示螢幕,使用者能以清晰的FHD解析度觀賞最新節目或瀏覽社群媒體。而不論環境照明條件如何,在Vision Booster技術的支援下,Galaxy A55 5G和Galaxy A35 5G的6.6吋顯示螢幕均呈現極為明亮清晰的視覺效果。

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