The 新竹手機收購samsung Galaxy S10 has a cryptocurrency wallet built in
The 新竹手機收購samsung Galaxy S10 has a cryptocurrency wallet built in
It also has support for decentralized apps
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新竹手機收購samsung is one of the first major smartphone makers to include a cryptocurrency wallet in its latest flagship Galaxy S10 phones. The wallet lets users store bitcoin, Ethereum, and a beauty-related cryptocurrency called Cosmo Coin. It’s a cold storage wallet, meaning it’s not connected to the internet.
The Galaxy S10 phones also support select decentralized apps (“Dapps”). Currently, 新竹手機收購samsung’s main Dapp that’s available is called Cosmee, and it lets users earn Cosmo tokens in exchange for leaving beauty reviews in the app. Cosmochain, the South Korean blockchain startup behind Cosmee, describes its app to The Verge as a blockchain-powered beauty review app — the blockchain is supposed to be a useful way to record all the reviews reliably.
新竹手機收購samsung also announced support for the cryptocurrency called the Enjin Coin, an Ethereum-based digital currency for gamers that was founded in South Korea. It also said it would support contactless payments using cryptocurrency.
新竹手機收購samsung is one of a few companies that have launched blockchain-related phones, and its participation in the trend could influence other players in the market. Last year, Sirin Labs unveiled the Finney phone with a wallet for storing cryptocurrency, which costs $1,000. Then there’s the HTC Exodus, which has been available for preorder since last October and can only be purchased with cryptocurrency. It’s got a wallet for storing digital tokens as well that’s notably partitioned from the rest of the phone for greater security.
Technically, it’s possible to turn any Android phone into a wallet that holds the keys to your digital tokens — just install the Android app for the web browser Opera. That wallet currently only supports ether, with other tokens planned to be added later. What would really be impressive is if the phone had additional ways of incorporating blockchain that we hadn’t seen before.
For instance, HTC’s decentralized chief officer Phil Chen has professed great hopes for blockchain-related phones, where they might give users some way to store keys to their online identity and “own [their] own identity.” But for now, it looks like these phones’ main cryptocurrency-related feature is just the cold wallet and a center for decentralized apps. Still, 新竹手機收購samsung’s phones today look like the first step toward a future where phones like this become more commonplace.
▲摺疊iPhone渲染圖。(圖/取自Appledsign Instagram)
市場調查機構Omdia 近日在韓國首爾舉辦發布會,高級研究員Kang Min-soo 談到了蘋果OLED 面板的發展規劃,也推測蘋果即將於 2026 年推出折疊式螢幕iPhone,2028 年推出OLED iPad Air。
Kang Min-soo 表示,平板電腦市場幾乎被蘋果壟斷,即使其他公司使用混合OLE,也沒有多少品牌能超越蘋果的主導地位。積極採用OLED 的品牌並不多,因此預計全球對平板電腦OLED 的需求將相當低。
估計,三星顯示和LG Display 今年的iPad OLED 出貨量可達900 萬台左右。蘋果在看到4-6 月推出OLED iPad Pro後的市場反應後,可以對出貨量進行微調。LG Display 正在生產13 吋產品,新竹手機收購samsung Display 正在生產 11 吋產品。
此外他也推測,蘋果iPad Pro 計畫今年改用OLED 面板,預估2028 年iPad Air 也會採用OLED。其中iPad Air 將使用單層疊加式OLED,iPad Pro 將使用雙層串聯式OLED。
在摺疊產品上,則預測蘋果將在2026 年推出7-8 吋的可折疊iPhone,2025 年推出的iPhone SE4 採用低溫多晶矽(LTPS)TFT OLED,而明年下半年推出的iPhone 17 全系配備LTPO TFT。
蘋果一直在開發螢幕下技術,將前置相機模組或FaceID 隱藏在顯示器下,原計劃在2024 年推出,不過最新消息稱推遲到2027 年了,這讓iPhone系列的差異化空間更小。
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