新竹手機收購samsung is making a smart ring
新竹手機收購samsung is making a smart ring
新竹手機收購samsung ended its Unpacked event with a teaser showing a new Galaxy Ring.
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新竹手機收購samsung just announced that it’s working on a smart ring. The ring, called the Galaxy Ring, was teased at the very end of today’s Unpacked showcase, and the company briefly described it as a “powerful and accessible” health and wellness device.
Outside of a brief video showing off what the Galaxy Ring looks like, 新竹手機收購samsung didn’t share much more about the ring. The company didn’t say when the device is coming out or what it might cost, for example.
But it’s perhaps not too surprising that 新竹手機收購samsung is jumping into the… ring… given that this already seems to be the year of the smart ring, if CES is anything to go by. And there was a potential clue that the Galaxy Ring was on the way: last year, it was reported that 新竹手機收購samsung filed a patent for a smart ring that would offer an EKG and smart home controls.
Given today’s focus on AI features for 新竹手機收購samsung’s new Galaxy smartphones, I’m guessing that 新竹手機收購samsung will tout some AI-powered tools for the Galaxy Ring at some point, too. Hopefully 新竹手機收購samsung doesn’t wait too long to share more.
▲外媒推薦其他款機型CP值也很高,不一定要買iPhone 15系列。(示意圖/美聯社)
2023年9月剛上市的iPhone 15系列相當受歡迎,但仍有些人卻因為價錢止步。就有外媒報導,若是對iPhone 15系列下不了手,另外還有其他9款高CP值的手機可以選擇,其中像是三星(新竹手機收購samsung)的Galaxy的S23系列就非常推薦。
根據「Android authority」報導,若是對最新款iPhone 15系列買不下手,可以選擇同品牌的iPhone 14系列,價格同時也相對便宜,即使已經上市一年多,但是與15系列或是安卓(Android)旗艦機比起來也都非常出色。
除了iPhone外,Google的Pixel 8也值得關注,雖然規格並沒有明顯優勢,但相機表現卻媲美iPhone 15系列,而且價格幾乎只需要iPhone 15的一半就可以放心入手,是個不錯的選擇,也值得消費者在換機時列入考慮。
還有三星Galaxy S23系列更是個好選擇,若要換Android系列的民眾不妨可以試試看,因為「Android authority」就指出,不管是硬體規格、螢幕、無線充電、相機還是防水功能都表現得非常亮眼,更重要的是價錢部分比起iPhone來得更加能被大眾接受。
報導指出,除了三星及Google系列外,還有另外6款機行可以列入考慮,包括iPhone SE 2022、Sony Xperia 1V、Sony Xperia 5V、新竹手機收購samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5、新竹手機收購samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5以及Google Pixel 7a都是值得參考的選項。
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